The skin sweats in the summer due to the heat of the weather, and this leads to open pores, the appearance of dark spots on the face, and wrinkles begin to appear.
Ultraviolet rays, hot weather, and high humidity in the summer also leave their mark on the skin of the face, causing the skin to become dry or more oily.
Due to skin sweating and excess oily secretions, dark spots appear on the face and signs of aging begin to appear, such as wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes.
What is the ideal skin care routine in the summer?
Summer skin care steps
-Clean the skin properly
-Moisturizing the skin
-I use sunscreen
-Drink more water
-Exfoliating the skin with natural recipes
-Use a serum around the eye area
-Use a piece of ice
-What is not recommended to do in the summer
Here, ladies, is an article that will help you get radiant and attractive skin during the summer
1- Clean the skin properly
Oily skin increases the secretion of sebum in the summer.
So use a face wash suitable for your skin type. You can deeply cleanse the skin and remove all layers of dust and bacteria.
The type of lotion varies depending on the skin type
{If your skin is oily, here are the following tips for choosing the type of lotion suitable for your skin}
-Choose a gel cleanser and stay away from other types
The gel helps cleanse the depths of the skin without causing it to produce more oil.
-If you find salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide in the lotion formula, you can resort to it, as they are among the most important substances that help protect the skin from impurities.
-Make sure that your face wash is free of oils.
{If your skin is dry, here are the following tips for choosing the type of lotion suitable for your skin}
Choose a cream cleanser, and avoid gel and liquid cleansers.
-The best lotion for you is one that contains milk in its composition, or one that generally contains vitamin E and vitamin D, or even natural oils such as tea oil.
2-Moisturizing the skin
Moisturizing the skin is very important for all skin types in all seasons, especially during the summer, including oily skin, but it is necessary to choose creams with a light texture that are quickly absorbed and do not leave a greasy shine.
-The sweat glands work tenfold in the summer to cool the body from the inside. This is why we make the mistake of thinking that the skin does not need moisturizing in the summer.
In fact, the cells are thirstier than usual.
Lack of skin hydration is one of the main factors that affect the early appearance of wrinkles
Here, ma'am, are the most important natural moisturizers available in your home for skin care in the summer
Avocados contain omega-3 oils and healthy antioxidants that make them a great food choice to help prevent inflammation that leads to skin aging. Applying it as a face mask for 15 to 20 minutes will instantly soften and moisturize your skin
-Aloe vera
Aloe vera extracted from the plant contains a clear liquid containing fats, vitamins and amino acids, which are highly moisturizing substances.
All you have to do is cut one sheet of paper and squeeze all the gel out of it. Apply it on your face, let it dry for a few minutes, then wash it with plain water. Moisturizes your skin without giving it a greasy feel.
3- Use sunscreen
Sun protection is one of the main features of summer skin care.
Perhaps the most important product to apply every morning is a good sunscreen with an SPF.
This cream should be applied 20 minutes before exposure to the sun and reapplied every 4-5 hours, depending on the type of sunscreen
4-Drink more water
If the body is dehydrated, the skin will not be healthy and beautiful. The rate of water per day is 1.5-2 liters + liquid from food.
But in the summer, the amount of water in the summer skin care diet should increase. This will help maintain the skin's lipid balance.
5- Exfoliating the skin with natural recipes
Using a mild scrub twice a week removes dead skin cells, cleans pores, rids the skin of dust, and improves blood circulation.
Madam, do not forget the lips, neck and upper chest area when exfoliating
Madam, you can use natural exfoliants available in your home
-Coffee and lemon
Lemon contains vitamin C, which is an effective skin lightening ingredient. Consider including vitamin C in your summer skin care routine. On the other hand, coffee is a great exfoliant.
Mix a tablespoon of coffee and a tablespoon of lemon juice in a bowl.
Make sure there are no lumps.
Apply this mixture on your face and leave it for 15 minutes before washing it
– Honey + milk
Honey retains your skin's natural moisture while yogurt brightens it.
Take a cup of yogurt in a bowl and add a tablespoon of honey to it.
Mix well and apply to your skin.
Leave it for 10 minutes then wash it with cold water.
6- Use a serum around the eye area
Serums around the eyes help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, remove dark circles under the eyes, and reduce puffiness.
Apply the serum morning and evening on clean skin. The serum can also be applied to the neck and chest area
-Don't forget the sunglasses
7-Use a piece of ice
Your summer skin care routine cannot be without ice
-Using ice on your skin can naturally reduce the appearance of acne
It also reduces the appearance of large pores and blackheads, which is very important for summer skin care
Ice reduces puffiness around the eyes
In addition, using a piece of ice before makeup makes your makeup last longer: Before applying makeup, pass a piece of ice on your face. After that, dry your face with a clean towel. Start your makeup routine after that and what you will notice is that your makeup will last longer than usual
8-What is not recommended to do in the summer
-Avoid taking long showers: Although a steamy shower in the winter is soothing, splashing cold water on the body during the summer is equally refreshing and relaxing. However, taking long showers, as relaxing as it is, is not the healthiest option for your skin as it may lead to dryness and itching.
-Stop exfoliating too hard: Exfoliation helps get rid of dead skin and impurities from the skin. However, regular and aggressive exfoliation can be very harmful to your skin as it can cause skin irritation, rashes, and skin damage. These injuries can be exacerbated by constant exposure to sweat during the summer.
Therefore, laser peeling should be postponed for some time. It is not recommended to do it in the summer
- Do not wear too much makeup during the summer. Using a little makeup is best
Heavy foundations clog your skin's pores and trap dirt, oil, and other impurities, leading to pimples. Opt for a simple look and simple makeup this season if you want clear skin.