7وصفات طبيعية لتفتيح المناطق الحساسة

7 natural recipes to lighten sensitive areas

Proven recipes to lighten sensitive areas. The appearance of dark places on a female’s body spoils her beauty and femininity. Women aspire to remain in their most beautiful appearance and best shape.
Women may fear using creams that lighten the sensitive area found in pharmacies, which can cause many problems, so they resort to searching for natural ingredients that do not cause side effects. Therefore, we will review here what is related to lightening the sensitive area.

Glycerin and
 Lemon juice and rose water

Glycerin is known for its ability to moisturize and protect the skin. It also has gentle exfoliating properties, which helps in getting rid of dead skin cells, thus helping to lighten dull skin and improve the appearance of dark spots and scars.

Although using glycerin alone helps moisturize and exfoliate the skin, it can be supported by some other ingredients to obtain safe whitening mixtures for the sensitive area.

Lemon and rose water can be added to glycerin to soften the skin so that it is easier to exfoliate. Rose water acts as an astringent and tightens pores, while the acidity of lemon juice improves discolouration and uneven pigmentation.

Recipe ingredients

To obtain a cream for lightening the sensitive area with natural ingredients, mix the following ingredients:


5 drops of pure glycerin.

A teaspoon of lemon juice .

20 ml of rose water.
How to prepare

Place the mixture in a spray bottle, and apply it to the sensitive area daily using your finger or a piece of cotton, or spray it directly.
It is recommended to try it first on a small area of ​​skin and test it to ensure that it does not cause skin irritation, and keep the mixture in the refrigerator.

Cucumber and lemon juice

Cucumber juice is characterized by its properties that lighten the skin, and the presence of vitamin A in it makes it able to lighten the dark color in sensitive areas.
Lemon contains effective properties that help remove tanning and dark spots from the skin

Recipe ingredients:

2 tablespoons of cucumber juice.

4 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Half a tablespoon of turmeric powder.

Preparation method
Bring an empty bowl and pour the cucumber juice into it, then add the lemon juice and mix well.

Then add the turmeric and mix all the ingredients until well combined.
Apply the mixture on the dark areas of your body for 30 minutes.
Then wash it with cold water
Repeat the recipe three times a week.

You will notice a clear difference during the first week.
You must ensure that there are no wounds or skin infections before trying this treatment.

You can use this recipe for armpits, knees and dark areas of the elbow.

Rice to lighten sensitive areas:

Rice helps remove dead skin, and milk is added to it, which works to lighten the skin. Lemon also has whitening properties for the skin and rids it of unpleasant odors.
Turmeric is rich in antioxidants, which in turn stimulates blood flow to the area to be lightened and thus improves skin tone.

Recipe ingredients

Two tablespoons of ground rice
Two tablespoons of milk
A spoon of lemon
A spoon of turmeric

  • How to prepare :
    Mix the ingredients well in a bowl until you get a slightly liquid mixture.
  • Apply the mixture to the sensitive area and leave it for twenty minutes, massage in circular motions, then wash the area with lukewarm water and dry it.
    Repeat the recipe three times a week
    You must ensure that there are no wounds or skin infections before trying this treatment.

Potato juice + turmeric for whitening

Potato juice contains astringent properties that help remove excess oil and tone the skin.
On the other hand, turmeric acts as a natural antiseptic that helps prevent infections.
Potato juice and turmeric have been proven to be effective in sensitive areas

Recipe ingredients:

Half a potato
A teaspoon of turmeric

How to use:
Peel half a potato and extract its juice.
Add a teaspoon of turmeric to the juice.
Apply the mixture on the sensitive area
Leave it for 15 minutes. Then wash it with lukewarm water.
Repeat the recipe twice a week

Aloe vera + turmeric

To lighten sensitive areas

When these ingredients come together, they work greatly to treat the skin. They both contain minerals, vitamins and amino acids that treat many skin health problems. Applying this mixture helps whiten the skin

Recipe ingredients:

A teaspoon of aloe vera gel
Half a teaspoon of turmeric

How to use:

Apply this recipe directly on the dark area.
Leave it for thirty minutes
Wash the area with lukewarm water and dry it.
Repeat this recipe daily to lighten the sensitive area

Potato juice + tomato juice + lemon

Potatoes help whiten the skin, especially sensitive areas, because of their ability to reduce dark spots on the skin in addition to not irritating the skin.

Tomatoes are used in recipes for whitening sensitive areas to lighten the bikini area as quickly as possible, as they are a natural bleach because they contain the antioxidant lycopene, which helps lighten the bikini area in a very short time.

How to prepare :
A tablespoon of potato juice
A tablespoon of tomato juice
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
. If your skin is very sensitive and dry, it is best to remove lemon juice from this mixture.
Dip a piece of cotton in the mixture and place it on the dark area.
Leave it to dry on this area for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash it with cold water.

Apply this recipe three times a week and give more effective results in whitening the sensitive area naturally.
You must ensure that there are no wounds or skin infections before trying this treatment.

Cucumber and aloe vera to lighten sensitive areas

Here's the secret to gorgeous, flawless skin in minutes. All you need is the miracle cucumber which is an incredibly cooling agent and also helps lighten the dark bikini line area.

Aloe vera is rich in antioxidant, antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help in removing dead cells from your skin.

Recipe ingredients:

A tablespoon of aloe vera gel

A tablespoon of grated cucumber

How to prepare :
Bring a bowl and mix a tablespoon of aloe vera gel with cucumber juice

Apply a paste of both ingredients on your skin for 15 minutes once a week.
To rid your skin of oil, dirt, impurities and tanning.

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