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Recipes to clear the face of spots

Recipes to clear the face of spots

Oatmeal recipe

Oatmeal soothes inflamed skin, absorbs excess oils, exfoliates dead skin cells, and is considered one of the ancient recipes for clearing spots on the face.

:the components

Five tablespoons of oats

:How to prepare

Mix the ingredients well to form a dough, then gently place the mixture on the face and leave it on for twenty minutes, then wash with lukewarm water and dry.

Aloe vera mixture

Aloe vera treats skin burns and skin peeling caused by oil spots

:the components

Aloe Vera leaf

:How to prepare

Apply a light layer of gel on the face before bed, wash off in the morning
Test aloe vera by placing a small amount on the hand

Tomato recipe

Tomatoes are considered one of the fruits rich in vitamins A, C, and D, which help in increasing the freshness of the skin and treating it from depth. It also gives the skin radiance and freshness and helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles and impurities in it.

:the components

A spoonful of sugar
A spoonful of honey

:How to prepare

Mix a tomato in an electric blender, then put a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of honey, then rub your face with it for 5 minutes and focus on the dark areas, then leave it for 20 minutes, then wash your face with cold water and sprinkle a little rose water on it.

Eggs with lemon

Eggs absorb excess oil from the skin and tighten pores. Egg whites also provide the skin with protein and some other vitamins and minerals, thus improving the appearance of the skin.
Lemon is a natural source of vitamin C and rich in alpha hydroxy acids. It gives the skin a distinctive radiance and acts as a natural exfoliant

:the components


:How to prepare

Mix one egg white with a tablespoon of lemon juice, apply the mixture to your face and leave it for 20 minutes until it dries completely, then wash with cold water. Use the method regularly 3 times a week and you will notice the difference after just two weeks

Tea tree oil and coconut oil recipe

Tea tree and coconut oils contain essential fatty acids that nourish the skin, maintain its freshness and moisture, and clear the face of blemishes.

:the components

Tea tree oil
Coconut Oil

:How to prepare

Mix the two ingredients together and apply them to your skin daily to get rid of pimples and spots

Mixture of aloe vera and rice flour

The function of aloe vera is to give the skin hydration and uniform color
This is due to aloe vera containing antioxidant properties
As for rice flour, it removes dead skin cells and clears spots

:the components

Cactus gel

:How to prepare

Two tablespoons of rice are ground to get flour
Add rice flour to one tablespoon of aloe vera gel
Mix them well to obtain a dough with a cohesive consistency
The mixture is distributed on the skin and the skin is massaged with the mixture in circular motions for only 5 minutes to prevent skin inflammation
The skin is washed with cold water
The recipe is repeated for a week every evening

Cucumber mixture

The benefits of cucumber for the face are many, as it rejuvenates the skin, maintains its elasticity, fights wrinkles in it, tightens it, keeps it hydrated, glowing, clear, and younger, in addition to reducing dark circles under the eyes, and it is suitable for all skin types.

:How to prepare

Mash the cucumber pieces and place the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes. It contains retinol, which helps protect the skin from pimples and their effects and regulates the secretion of sebum.

Recipe: Yoghurt and orange peel

Orange peel contains retinol, which helps protect the skin from pimples and their effects, regulate the secretion of sebum, and clear the skin of dark spots.

:the components

Crushed orange peel with milk

:How to prepare

Peel the orange, dry it, then mix it with a tablespoon of milk until the mixture becomes like a paste. It is distributed on the skin of the face, then left on the skin for 20 minutes, then washed with water.
Cold, use the mask twice a week

Ice cube recipe to remove facial pimples

It softens the skin, clogs skin pores, and helps reduce skin swelling

:How to prepare

Take a piece of ice and then rub your face in a circular motion. To obtain effective results, do this step on a daily basis, and thus you will have gotten rid of facial pimples. That is, treating facial pimples naturally and inexpensively.
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